Personal Webpage of Francesco Ballerin

PhD fellow at the University of Bergen

Work Experience

Junior Research Assistant

FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
2017 - 2019

  • Predictive models for agricultural yields and quality estimation: development of deep learning models to predict and assess expected yield and quality of agricultural products from meteorological data and spectrophotometry analysis.
  • Development of LoRa-Networks solutions for Machine Learning in an IoT environment.


PhD fellow in Mathematics

University of Bergen
2022 - Current

Work in progress...

More details are available in the "Research" tab.

Master's degree in Mathematical Analysis

University of Bergen
2020 - 2022
THESIS: Sub-Riemannian geometry and its applications to image processing

After an introduction on sub-Riemannian geometry, focusing on the examples of the Lie group \(SE(2)\) and the projective tangent bundle \(PT\mathbb{R}^2\), applications to the field of image processing are discussed. In particular we study a model of geometry of vision for image restoration due to Petitot, Citti and Sarti and further developments by Boscain, Duplaix, Gauthier and Rossi on hypolliptic operators. New tools and techniques based on such work are developed and discussed.

Bachelor's degree in Mathematics

University of Trento
2017 - 2020
THESIS: Active Contour Models for Image Segmentation and Motion Tracking

Traditional image segmentation methods based on global and local thresholds and the detection of intensity discontinuities have been widely used for numerous applications, but they intrinsically have multiple limitations. Two PDE-based active contours approaches, inspired by the fundamental snake equation presented by Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulus, are discussed. An implementation is then produced, as well as an extension of the algorithm to realize active-tracking on video files.